In the search for attractive forms, people are willing to face many difficulties, one of which is nutrition. Now there is a huge number: you just have to choose the one that you like best and meets all your requirements. One of them is the 6 petal diet.
Basic nutrition principles
The author of the method is Anna Juhansson, who relied on diet in a separate diet. Thus, the doctor has developed a six-day program, which falls one day a week. And the result is achieved due to the alternation of carbohydrates and protein days, which does not immerse the body in intense stress, greatly reducing food. That is, a person eats a reduced amount of only one permitted product per day. Anna Johansson herself developed 6 (7) petals for nutrition every day. Looks like this:
- Fish are allowed on Monday.
- Vegetables on Tuesday.
- Chicken on Wednesday.
- On Thursday - cereals (porridge).
- On Friday - cottage cheese.
- Saturday - fruit.
It should also be borne in mind that you can not eat an unlimited amount of the permitted product. Thus, fish can be consumed 500 grams per day, vegetables - 1, 5 kg, meat - 500 grams, cereals - 200 grams, cottage cheese - 500 grams, fruit - 1, 5 kg. On such a diet, you can lose 600-800 grams a day, which is a quick result.
The 6-petal diet, according to nutritionists, is one of the most frugal mono-diets, as it consists of a variety of foods, divided into 6 days.
Key Benefits of the Seven (6) Petal Diet:
- They do not need to starve. The body gets enough calories, so there is no feeling of hunger.
- You do not need to count calories. The diet is balanced, so you do not need to count calories.
- Without strict diet. You do not need to worry about the fact that you did not have time to eat at the appointed time, your only mission is to distribute the right amount of food throughout the day.
- Weight loss is rapidly evolving.
- They are not harmful to the body, unlike the more rigid diets.
- The diet is very varied.
Of course, like any diet, in addition to the benefits, there are contraindications, but we will address them later. Also in this article you will find samples of recipes for the diet of 6 petals that you can adapt to your preferences.
Foods and selection criteria

Foods should not be changed or rearranged depending on the taste or intolerance to certain foods. The main thing is to choose fresh and clean products that do not contain harmful additives. When choosing fruits and vegetables, you should opt for seasonal ones, so there is less chance of buying low quality, stuffed with chemicals. Then you can be sure that they will only benefit the body.
Results up to 5 kg are achieved quite easily and do not cause as much damage to health as other monophonic diets.
Unique Fish Diet
The first day of the menu with 7 petals requires the consumption of 500 grams of fish. At the same time, it is absolutely not necessary to choose exclusively low-fat varieties of fish. Cod, salmon or pink salmon will also work well in your diet. A great solution would be to eat seafood.
To this day, the human body receives protein and omega-3 polyunsaturated acids, which are so essential to a diet. These fats are digestible, unlike animals, and do not form a fatty layer, but provide excellent benefits. This period prepares the body for the transition to a tighter vegetable day.
Single diet with vegetables

This day the weight loss process begins. In fact, during the vegetative period, the body, along with a small amount of incoming calories, receives many vitamins and healthy fiber. This will improve the function of your gastrointestinal tract. In order for the body to receive only benefits and not the ability to "store" fat cells due to lack of calories, it is better to prefer raw or steamed vegetables.
The main thing is to consume a small amount of spices and salt, as well as to follow a pattern of alcohol consumption and you will find that it is not so difficult to lose about a kilo a day. At this time will appear unnecessary toxins and toxins, will come the lightness and the desire to lose weight.Unlike conventional one-meal diets, the 6-petal diet is divided into days, with only one ingredient allowed per day.
Unique chicken diet
On the third day, you can buy chicken breast, which can probably be called a lifeline for weight loss. Indeed, in this white meat (the main thing is to exclude the ingestion of the skin in the diet, where excess fat accumulates) contains a huge amount of protein, which is perfectly absorbed by the human body and satiety. Chicken fillet contains vitamins: iron, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, so essential for weight loss.
The protein diet is the most painless of the 6 days of the diet, because at the moment a person is full of energy and does not feel hungry. And in the morning such a long-awaited minus will be visible on the scales. As a liquid right now, you can use green tea, of course, without sugar, plain water and chicken broth.
Single cereal diet

On a cereal day, it is allowed to eat healthy cereals cooked exclusively in water. Therefore, no added sugar or salt is required. It's the day you can make yourself an insignificant indulgence - eat a piece of bran or wholemeal bread. Cereals are a product that requires a lot of energy wasted by the body for the digestion process. At this stage, you can increase the weight loss process due to the minimal heat treatment of the cereal. No, of course, you will not need to eat pure porridge, but it is very likely that you will replace steaming with cooking overnight. The main thing to remember is that you can consume no more than 200 grams of dry cereal a day.
The 6-petal diet does not harm the body as much as conventional mono-diets, as the body is deprived of essential substances for only one day and the next morning it gets what it did not have the day before.
Single-feed crop
On the fifth day of the weekly petal diet, eat cottage cheese. This product, along with chicken breast, is a real storehouse of protein useful for weight loss. On a day with curd, you can perfectly fill the body with vitamins and minerals it loses during the diet. In the grocery basket of those who are losing weight this day, there may be:
- granulated curd?
- low fat cheese (mozzarella, feta);
- bean curd (tofu);
- natural yogurt?
- low fat milk.
You should only choose high quality products so that your efforts are not wasted. Only from good cheese and cottage cheese will the body receive the required amount of useful trace elements and calcium. This will allow you to regain power and save energy. In addition, you should absorb food in its pure form, excluding sweet fillers.
Single diet with fruit

On the 6th day of the diet, you should eat only fruits and berries. This day is the easiest endurance due to the delicious diet. At this time, you can strengthen the tired body with the necessary polysaccharides, vitamins, saturate it with complex carbohydrates and also help normalize the intestines.
Although the 6-petal diet is considered a lighter version of the mono-diet, it still causes a lot of stress to the body, which is deficient in certain substances every day.
And, of course, you have to pay close attention to the quality of the fruit you eat, everything has to be fresh and ripe. You need to eat 1. 5 pounds a day. fruit, while the berries can be consumed no more than 200 gr. You can also eat some dried fruit: plums or dried apricots. To restore water balance, you can drink fresh juices, half diluted with water.
Prohibited products
If you are going to follow the 6 petal diet, then for 6 days you should give up foods like:
- sugar?
- bread and pastries (the only exception is wholemeal bread and cereal day only).
- fast food?
- pasta?
- fatty and smoky.
- sausage and canned food?
- soda?
- oil;
- fatty dairy products?
- ketchup, mayonnaise and marinade?
- alcohol.

But do not despair, the diet of the six petals is effective enough that the results are not long.
The six-petalled diet is not very convenient to follow at work or, for example, on a trip, as you are only allowed to eat one product all day in different cooking options.
Sample menu 6 petals
Anna Johansson has developed a sample menu for the six petal diet. In turn, nutritionists, having revised the principles and diet, adapt them to the lifestyle of a particular country. So, on the internet there are many detailed diet recipes that can be tailored to your preferences. The main thing is not to deviate from the general principles of nutrition, no matter how many temptations occur.
Day One
As you know, on the first day you should eat permitted types of fish. So an approximate menu of six petals on the first day might look like this:

- Breakfast - cook fish fillets from pollock, salmon or trout, add a little salt.
- Pink salmon baked in foil will do for the next meal. The addition of herbs and salt is allowed.
- For lunch - fish soup from tuna, herbs and salt (it is strictly forbidden to add vegetables).
- Pink salmon, lightly salted and steamed.
Of course, to save your budget, you can buy one type of fish and cook it differently.
To restore water balance, you should drink fish broth, green tea or a decoction without added sugar.
Diet is prohibited for kidney, stomach and intestinal diseases, diabetes, during pregnancy and lactation.
Second day
During this period, you can eat vegetables in any form: raw, steamed, boiled, grilled. The main thing is to exclude the oil, it is absolutely impossible to add it.
Menu for the second day:
- For breakfast - boil potatoes, make mashed potatoes or eat whole vegetables and add cabbage and carrot salad
- Steam broccoli or cauliflower, salt allowed.
- Vegetable stew with some greens.
- Fresh vegetables and roasted pumpkin.
- For dinner, it is best to eat a vegetable salad with tomato, cucumber or cabbage and carrots.
During breaks, you can drink green tea and vegetable juices, diluted in equal proportions with water.
Third day
To avoid apathy, you need to switch from carbohydrates to proteins. The detailed menu for Wednesday looks like this:

- Breakfast - a portion of boiled chicken fillet.
- The next meal is a skinless chicken apple cooked in spices.
- For lunch - light chicken soup with dill and parsley.
- For an afternoon snack - a boiled leg without skin.
- Dinner - chicken fillet cooked without salt.
You should eat fractionally - up to 6 times a day - so you do not feel hungry.
The fourth day
On Thursday, you can only buy cereals boiled in water.
- Eat buckwheat porridge without stuffing for breakfast.
- Second breakfast - millet groats.
- Lunch - oatmeal.
- Afternoon snack - rice with added salt.
- Dinner - buckwheat.
Fifth day
You can eat 6 petals a day of curd:
- Breakfast - cottage cheese without fillers.
- Second breakfast - natural yogurt.
- Lunch - cottage cheese and 100 ml. low fat milk.
- Afternoon snack - cottage cheese.
- Dinner - cottage cheese and 100 ml. low fat milk.
Sugar as a sweetener is excluded from food, salt and spices are limited. You should consume at least 1. 5 liters of fluid per day.
Day six
On the sixth day, you can buy sweet foods - fruit. The key is to choose fresh, seasonal fruits and berries without the addition of chemicals.
- Breakfast - 1 banana.
- Second breakfast - 2 oranges and kiwis.
- Lunch - an apple and 2 apricots.
- Afternoon snack - a handful of berries (blueberries, blackberries, blackberries).
- Dinner - orange or grapefruit.
On the 7th day, there is a way out of the 6 petal diet. For now, you can arrange a day of fasting in the water or eat according to the principles of proper nutrition. It is not necessary to fully follow the menu presented for the week. The main thing is not to eat too much and follow the principles of nutrition.
While there are many benefits to this diet, it is forbidden for many. Therefore, before you start losing weight using this technique, it is best to consult a doctor.
Dietary contraindications:
- Breastfeeding
- Pregnancy.
- Heart disease?
- Stomach and intestinal problems.
- Postoperative period.
- Kidney disease.
The 6 Petal Diet is adored for its simplicity and availability of the right ingredients, as well as for its easy tolerance and variety. But to follow this diet or not - everyone has to decide for themselves. The body may not be exhausted with rigid diets, but choosing the right diet is up to you.